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Is the Wait Finally (Almost) Over? What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana in Kansas

D.H. Reilly

Marijuana update: past, present and future

Like any other state, Kansas hasn’t exactly had a harmonious history with marijuana.

But now the tide seems to be turning, and it’s likely that in the not too distant future, you’ll be able to get a Kansas Marijuana Card and enjoy all of the benefits that only medical marijuana can offer.

Kansas has waited longer than most states for the relief of medical marijuana, and now that it seems as though we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, let’s look back at what led us up to this point and what legalized medical marijuana might look like for Kansans.

Previous Attempts at Medical Marijuana Legalization in Kansas

Senate Bill 9

At the legislative level, serious legalization efforts in Kansas date back to 2013, with the introduction of Senate Bill 9.

SB 9 would have allowed Kansans to purchase and possess limited amounts of marijuana for therapeutic purposes and would have reduced criminal penalties for recreational marijuana possession.

SB 9 lingered in the State Senate until May 2014. In 2015, the House passed an equivalent bill, but even that wasn’t enough to revive the bill in the Senate.

Wichita Legalization Effort

With marijuana reform stalled at the state level, some local attempts at bringing medical marijuana to the Sunflower State were mounted in its largest city.

In 2015, Wichita voters passed a ballot initiative that would have significantly changed the way that city enforced marijuana crime.

With the support of 54% of Wichita voters, the City of Wichita Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative would have made the penalty for first-time offenders in possession of up to 32 grams of marijuana a mere $50 with no jail time. The initiative also would have made small violations of possession laws matters of citations and summons instead of criminal arrest.

Unfortunately, the Kansas Supreme Court struck down the law, ruling in favor of the Kansas Attorney General when he sued to prevent the initiative from being enacted.

New Governor Brings Hope for Change

Marijuana advocates said they felt the winds of change blowing in 2019, when Governor Laura Kelly took office. Kelly had voiced support for legalization in some form in the past, and continued to express that point of view upon taking office.

Legalization is on the House

That brings us to May 2021, when the Kansas House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to pass House Substitute for SB158, which would establish a legal medical marijuana market here.

While Governor Kelly continues to indicate her support, the State Senate is controlled by prohibitionists who have indicated they will not take up the issue in their chamber until 2022 at the earliest.

So What Now for Medical Marijuana in Kansas?

While passage in the Senate remains unlikely for now, legalization advocates remain optimistic.

In addition to the legalization-friendly governor and House, they point to the changing mood nationwide.

“Out in the public, people just think it needs to be done,” Representative Dan Hawkins, an opponent of legalization, told Topeka CBS affiliate WIBW.

That sentiment was echoed by long-time Wichita legalization advocate Esau Freeman, who told the station, “Anybody who is standing in the way of it, I think, is on the wrong side of history, and they’re beginning to realize that.”

What Will Medical Marijuana Legalization Look Like in Kansas?

Who Will Qualify for a Marijuana Card in Kansas?

In its current form, the House version of SB158 would recognize the following qualifying conditions:

  • AIDS or HIV

  • Alzheimer's disease

  • ALS

  • Cancer

  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy

  • Crohn's disease

  • Epilepsy or other seizure disorders

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Glaucoma

  • Hepatitis C

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Lupus

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Parkinson's disease

  • PTSD

  • Sickle cell anemia

  • Spinal cord disease or injury

  • Tourette's syndrome

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Any other conditions recommended by an advisory board and adopted by the Secretary of Health and Environment

Purchasing, Possession, and Growing Limits on Medical Marijuana

How Much Medical Marijuana Would You be Permitted to Purchase and Possess at Once?

Under the House’s version of SB 158, registered patients and caregivers would be allowed to buy up to a 90-day supply of medicinal cannabis products that cannot be smoked or vaped.

How much is a 90-day supply? Well, that’s unclear at the moment. The law would require state officials to draft complete regulations for the medical marijuana program by July 1, 2023.

Would I be Able to Grow Marijuana in Kansas?

Do-it-yourselfers in other states can save a lot of money and have greater control of the medication they take, but that would be a no-no under the House bill.

However, given that everything about the bill is currently up in the air, and given how quickly some opponents of legalization in other states became supporters after seeing the benefits of legalization, anything could happen down the road.

What if I Would Need Help Getting and/or Taking My Medical Marijuana?

Patients would be allowed to select up to two 21-or-over individuals to act as registered caregivers. These caregivers would be legally authorized to purchase, transport, and administer medical marijuana on behalf of their patients.

What About Taxes? There are Always Taxes.

In its current form, the bill does not address specific taxation amounts, but does acknowledge that taxes may be levied on cultivators, retailers, and patients alike. The bill also establishes a process for creating the state entity that would oversee the implementation and enforcement of the bill, including the levying and collecting of taxes.

There would also be a $25-$50 fee, depending on income, for patients who apply for a card, and a $25 fee for would-be caregivers.

What Would the State Do with that Money?

Like so much else in this hypothetical law, that blank is currently left unfilled. However, most states choose to use the tax revenue they gain on programs that support communities.

Ready to Reserve Your Spot to Get Your Kansas Medical Marijuana Card?

Sure, there is no medical marijuana market in Kansas yet, and it’s possible there may never be.

Still, the writing appears to be on the wall, and relief with medical marijuana seems to be on the way.

As the proposed legislation recognizes several health conditions as either qualifying patients for medical marijuana prescriptions or fitting into a qualifying sub-category, it’s likely that large numbers of Kansans would be qualified to get their cards.

So chances are you’d be eligible, but what if you don’t want to go it alone through all the ins and outs of getting approved? Well, you can just let Kansas Marijuana Card take you through the whole process.

In fact, you don’t even have to leave your home to find out if a doctor would determine that you are eligible for medical marijuana. Kansas Marijuana Card offers telemedicine appointments, so that you can take the first step toward getting relief through medical marijuana by just using your computer or your smartphone.

Call our team Monday through Saturday at (833)781-6675, or visit our website to learn more about whether you would qualify for a card and to reserve an appointment with a medical marijuana doctor for as soon as we begin offering them.

Reserve your appointment today, and you’ll be ready for an evaluation by a Kansas marijuana doctor when we start offering them. You’ll also save $25 off your examination when it's time!


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

If you have any questions, call us at 833-781-6675, or simply reserve a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

And don’t forget to check out Kansas Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information.



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